Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is highly inflammable and most explosions are caused by undetected gas leakage in the pre-detection condition. It is imperative in such cases that a detection system is installed. Our system consists of an LPG gas leakage detector, which sends a warning signal to the user after detecting a dangerous gas. It uses the network to send notifications, a monitor to display the warning message and buzzer to sound the alert. This design automatically detects, alerts and controls gas leakage.
Make your home smarter with Plug n Play Vetaar Smart Gateway and Smart Plug. It is so easy to install that you can do it yourself.
Schedule your appliances to turn on and off at your desired day or time to save energy.
Make your home smarter with Plug n Play Vetaar Smart Gateway and Smart Plug. It is so easy to install that you can do it yourself.
Schedule your appliances to turn on and off at your desired day or time to save energy.
Make your home smarter with Plug n Play Vetaar Smart Gateway and Smart Plug. It is so easy to install that you can do it yourself.
Schedule your appliances to turn on and off at your desired day or time to save energy.